Lower Alsace Township is seeking a qualified contractor to perform wall preservation stone mason repair services along various roadways in the Township.




The work includes rebuilding sections of the historic stone wall lining both Skyline Drive and List Road in Lower Alsace Township. The wall is to be rebuilt to a width of thirty-two inches (32”) and a height of thirty-six inches (36”). The wall is to be reconstructed using Ivany grout block or poured concrete with dimensions on twenty-four inches wide and twenty-four inches high. # 5 reinforcing shall be placed eight inches (8”) on center both horizontal and vertical. Contractor can salvage used stone located at the site or supply new stone if necessary.

This work also includes furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete the project in accordance with the plans and specifications.

The Contractor shall provide the names and qualifications of all personnel who would be directly performing the work, including sub-contractors if needed. Indicate the approximate percent of involvement of each team member and identify who will be the daily point of contact.




The contractor should meet the following qualifications:

Experience: Contractor shall provide the names, contact information, and references for a minimum of three similar commercial projects. The summaries should include a narrative of the project.




Pennsylvania Prevailing Wages Rates

Projects where the total estimated cost is greater than $25,000, paid for in whole or in part out of funds of a public body, except for maintenance work or work performed under a rehabilitation program or manpower training program must specify “Prevailing Wages”. Further information on implementation of the act, definition of maintenance work and prevailing wage rates may be requested from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry at 1-800-932-0665 or 1-717-705-5969.

Recommended procedure is to include the applicable published wage rates for the project within the body of the specification, if possible, or at least issue the rates accompanying the specifications, or by addendum.

The conditions, provisions and requirements of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, by proper references, shall be specified for compliance. The following brief reference may be used for minor project specifications:

Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Rates: This regulation and the general Pennsylvania prevailing minimum wage rates, (Act 442 of 1961, P.L. 987, amended), as determined by the Secretary of Labor and Industry, which shall be paid for each craft or classification of all workers needed to perform the contract during the anticipated term therefore in the locality in which public work is performed, are made part of this specification.




Contractor’s Insurance Requirements

Contractor shall purchase insurance as described below through an insurance company or companies which carry an A.M. Best Company financial strength rating of A- or better and are properly licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Such insurance shall be written for not less than the limits specified below.

Workers’ Compensation


Statutory coverage and amounts as required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Employer’s Liability (if applicable)


$500,000 Each Accident

$500,000 Aggregate for Injury by Disease

$500,000 Each Employee for Injury by Disease


Commercial General Liability – The following MINIMUM limits shall apply:

$1,000,000 Any One Occurrence – Bodily Injury and Property Damage

$1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury – Any One Occurrence

$2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate

$2,000,000 General Aggregate


General Liability insurance shall be written on an “occurrence” form and shall name Lower Alsace Township Board of Supervisors, as well as its officers, agents, employees, attorneys, consultants, and other representatives as Additional Insured for both Ongoing Operations and Products & Completed Operations, on a primary and noncontributory basis.


Commercial Automobile Liability including coverage for owned, hired and non-owned vehicles with MINIMUM limits of:

$1,000,000 Each Accident – Bodily Injury and Property Damage


Auto Liability policy shall name Lower Alsace Township Board of Supervisors, as well as its officers, agents, employees, attorneys, consultants, and other representatives as an Additional Insured, on a primary and non-contributory basis.


Umbrella/Excess Liability to extend additional limits of coverage over the Contractor’s General Liability, Auto Liability and Employer’s Liability, (if applicable), insurance policies, with minimum limits of:

$1,000,000 Each Occurrence

$1,000,000 Aggregate


Umbrella liability insurance shall be written on an “occurrence” form, and shall name Lower Alsace Township Board of Supervisors, as well as its officers, agents, employees, attorneys, consultants, and other representatives as an Additional Insured, on a primary and non-contributory basis.

Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against Lower Alsace Township Board of Supervisors, as well as its officers, agents, employees, attorneys, consultants, and other representatives and require Contractor’s Workers’ Compensation/Employer’s Liability, General Liability, Auto Liability, and Umbrella Liability Insurance policies to be properly endorsed to accomplish this Waiver of Subrogation requirement.

All required policies must provide Lower Alsace Township Board of Supervisors with a minimum of thirty (30) days advance written notice of an insurer’s intent to cancel or non-renew coverage, with the exception of cancellation for non-payment of premium, which requires a minimum of fifteen (15) days written notice. A failure to maintain ongoing insurance, with no lapse in coverage, is considered to be a breach of this Agreement.


Contractor shall require subcontractors to purchase and maintain insurance in accordance with the coverage, limits, terms and conditions outlined in Section 4 of the Request for Proposal- STONE MASON REPAIR PROJECT FOR HISTORIC WALL PRESERVATION.


Certificates of Insurance

Contractor will furnish a Certificate of Insurance to Lower Alsace Township Board of Supervisors showing evidence of the required insurance policies, limits and terms. A replacement Certificate must be provided prior to the expiration date of any required policy. Upon request, contractor agrees to furnish copies of required policies and endorsements.


Bid Bond and Performance Bond

Bidders shall include a Bid Security in the amount of $3,500.00.  Any bid received without the required Bid Security shall be rejected.  The Bid Security may be in the form of (1) a bank cashier’s check payable to Lower Alsace Township and drawn on a United States bank or a Continental United States branch of a foreign bank acceptable to the Township, (2) a surety bond, in form and substance satisfactory to the Township and issued by a surety company which is listed in the most recent revision of U.S. Treasury Department circular 570, with its underwriting limitations therein stated at least equal to $15,000.00, and which is acceptable to the Township, through its licensed Pennsylvania resident agent accompanied by a power of attorney of the surety company dated the date of the surety bond and otherwise in form and substance acceptable to the Township.


The terms of the Contract may require that the Bidder(s) provide the Township with a financial guarantee of the Bidders performance and payment obligations.  The successful bidder(s) would be required to furnish, within ten (10) days of receipt of the Contract Documents from the Township, a Payment Bond and a Performance Bond or an Irrevocable Letter of Credit, for the labor and securing bid, to guarantee satisfactory performance.  All bonds are subject to approval by the Township.


In case the contract is awarded to a bidder who fails to enter the contract or to deliver all required bonds and affidavits, the cash or check deposited shall become absolute property of the Township; or if a bond has been deposited, it shall become payable immediately.  Cash, checks or bonds deposited will be returned to unsuccessful bidders as soon as the contract is awarded, or all bids rejected.




Proposals should include the following:

  • The attached Proposal Cover Sheet.
  • Identify the proposing firm name, address, phone, fax, and e-mail address and qualifications. Identify the contact person and that person’s phone number.
  • Describe the relevant background and experience of the proposing firm including years in business.
  • List of references.


Project Milestones:

Release Date: September 9, 2022.

Proposal Due Date: October 7, 2022.

Review and Selection Date: October 13, 2022.




  • The cost to provide work as outlined in this document, plans and specifications.
  • Provide unit price per linear foot for additional work.




Review Process:


All proposals will be reviewed by the Township supervisors, staff and other technical professionals.


The Township reserves the right to waive non-material deficiencies in any proposal.


Proposal will be evaluated based on what is deemed to be in the best interest of the Township, including such factors as the contractor’s experience, and expertise in stone masonry projects, clarity and creativity of the proposal, recommendations of entities for which the contractor has previously provided services, the persons to be assigned to the project by the contractor, and the total proposed cost. Cost will not be the sole factor in evaluating proposals.


The Township staff expects to review and select a firm for approval no later than October 13 , 2022. If necessary, the Township reserves the right to extend the review period.



Material shall meet the American Concrete Institute standards.



All contracts arising from work identified in this proposal will be approved by Lower Alsace Township.

Lower Alsace Township maintains the right to reject any and all contracts initiated by the contractor.



Plan and Specifications may be obtained at the following address:

Lower Alsace Township

1200 Carsonia Avenue

Reading PA 19606

Attn: Don Pottiger, Township Manager