Lower Alsace Township Residents Only (Proof of Residency Required Drivers License, etc.)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

8:00 am to noon

at the Lower Alsace Township Municipal Building

The Lower Alsace Township Supervisors will be hosting a Spring Cleanup program for the benefit of Lower Alsace Township residents and property owners on Earth Day weekend. You will need to show proof of residency. Please plan to take advantage of this one day to conduct your neighborhood cleanup programs or just to bring junk you’ve been hoping to get rid of for some time. You may even want to drop in and volunteer your time to help the Township Supervisors with this community cleanup effort.

The Township will be arranging for several large dumpsters; the purpose of which will be for the easy disposal of your unwanted items, including, but not limited to, furniture, small kitchen & household appliances, mattresses and/or box springs (price is $40 per each mattress or box spring).

Absolutely no vehicle tires, plants, large appliances (such as TV’s, computers, printers, air conditioners, microwaves), paint cans, brush, etc. will be accepted. Many of these items can be disposed at the Berks County Solid Waste Collection Center.

The Township reserves the right to reject any item that is determined to be unacceptable for this cleanup program.